About Us
ELHAGGAR company Egyptian joint-stock company with a capital of 44 million pounds and the number of employees of the company 233 person
Engineer I Omar El Haggar founded the company in 1977 as the first specialized company in the field of compressed air for his passion for this work and who conveyed his love for this to work for his children who are currently running the company.
ELHAGGAR company has been the sole agent for some of the biggest companies in manufacturing compressors in Italy for more than fifteen years when Eng. Omar Elhaggar decided to found Elhaggar manufacturing co. in the 6th of October city in the fourth industrial zone on an 11,100 square meter area in the year 1992 as the first factory for manufacture and assembling of air compressors in Egypt relying on very highly trained technicians co-operating with RAMI s.r.l. Italy to produce the reciprocating compressors named ELHAGGAR the first Egyptian Italian compressor. ELHAGGAR is the first and the only compressor assembled with Air tanks completely manufactured in Egypt. ELHAGGAR compressors are thoroughly tested and certified, also the air tanks are hy- —r hydrostatically tested for a pressure equal to 1.5 times the maximum working pressure
We have a wide range of machines available with powers from 0.5 hp to 25 hp and air tanks with volume from 25 lit. to 2000 lit.

Our Mission
- To support small, medium, and large Egyptian industrial business with high technology and wide range of air compressors with competitive prices .

Our Vision
- To be the best choice in the Egyptian industrial market for air compressors, providing high quality products that combine performance with value pricing, while establishing a successful relationship with our customers, and to reach out the Middle East and African industrial market by the year 2014 .

Our Goal
- - Creativity - Integrity - Innovation - Trustworthy - pioneering technology
What We Do
support small, medium, and large Egyptian industrial business with high technology and wide range of air compressors with competitive prices .To gain our customer satisfaction with highly trained and trustworthy engineers, and genuine spare parts .To increase the company profit growth, creating excellent career opportunity and financial rewards for our employees .Providing products that are safe, economically efficient and clean for the environment.